The Precision Pastures team soil testing for a carbon farming project


We can provide individual services and complete end-to-end solutions for farmers seeking to undertake a soil carbon project.

Carbon Starter Report

Our most popular service is our Carbon Starter Report – a two-part preliminary assessment of a farm’s ability to sustainably and profitably deliver a soil carbon project.

In Part A, we use the latest technology to create a carbon prospectivity map of your farm and determine the possible exclusion zones and soil types which we ground truth with comprehensive soil testing.

We present the potential benefits to your production system and financial income and answer common questions, including;

  • How long does a project run?
  • What are the associated costs?
  • What are the risks to my operations?
  • What happens if I sell my farm?

Part A also provides background on the Australian soil carbon industry and outlines the steps involved in registering a soil carbon project.

In Part B, we complete the comprehensive soil tests, which provide an accurate account of your existing soil carbon levels and determine the key soil health issues and constraints such as acidity, toxicities, or nutrient deficiencies.

By highlighting your existing carbon levels and key soil health issues and constraints, we can recommend which eligible activities(required by the regulator to undertake a soil carbon project) will best suit your farm and your production objectives.

Finally, we provide a detailed cost-benefit analysis and assist you to register your project with the Clean Energy Regulator.

“The Carbon Starter Report is a simple, cost-effective way to assess your farm’s carbon farming potential and understand exactly how a soil carbon project does (or doesn’t) fit your farm”

– Hamish Webb, Executive Director, Precision Pastures
YouTube video


  • Improved soil health

    Soil carbon is both a cause and an outcome of healthy soils. All soil types host a constant carbon cycle meaning increasing soil carbon can increase pasture and biomass production.

    In our Carbon Starter Report, we will explain how much increase production is possible on your farm.


    One of the ways soil carbon can be sequestered is via plant decomposition. Increasing decomposition usually involves increasing plant growth and retention, which can increase water storage and usage efficiency.

    In our Carbon Starter Report, we will explain how much increased water efficiency is possible on your farm.

  • INCREASED Production

    Boosting pasture performance can lead to an increase in livestock carrying capacity as well as the creation of carbon credits which may provide an additional income stream for farmers.

    In our Carbon Starter Report, we will explain how much potential income is possible on your farm.

  • Additional Income

    Soil carbon sequestration has the potential to generate credits. The Australian Clean Energy Regulator will issue one Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) for one ton of CO2 sequestered. These ACCUs can be sold, used to offset emissions or held by the project owner for future sale.

About the Carbon Market

The Australian Carbon Market has grown quickly. 

Originally established in April 2012 by the Federal Government to create, approve and regulate methods for farmers, landholders and industry participants to reduce, avoid, or sequester CO2 (or CO2 equivalents).

For every ton of CO2-e that is reduced, avoided, or sequestered, the Clean Energy Regulator will issue one Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU). ACCUs are a financial instruments that may be traded or used to offset emissions. 

As farmers are the largest landholders in Australia, most of the approved methods and many of the opportunity for carbon farming is available to Australian farmers. 

This opportunity brings excitement, optimism, and uncertainty or even skepticism, which is why we believe the Australian farming industry must have a clear understanding of the facts, accurate data, and sound advice that can use the carbon project activities to benefit farm production objectives and not at the expense of them.

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Carbon Starter Report

A two-part preliminary assessment of a farm’s ability to sustainably and profitably deliver a soil carbon project.

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On Farm Trials

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