Ebor Beef Forum 2024 – The Future of Beef

Ebor Beef invites you to a the Biennial Forum to discuss the future of Beef Farming. Presentations from MLA, Rabobank, Bovine Dynamics, UNE, Paraway, Farms of the Future, and more, will discuss the Industry’s involvement in a sustainable future for Beef.

Guest presenters will discuss:

  • The MLA’s carbon neutral 2030 policy,
  • Local and Global Cattle Markets,
  • Sustainable business plans,
  • Best practice Nutrition and Management to Optimise Productivity,
  • Building Natural Capital and Biodiversity on Land, and
  • Agtech solutions for Cattle Farmers.

Cost: $50pp (free to all Ebor Beef members)

All inquiriesSophia@wongwibinda.com.au